
Plantago major is also known as plantain weed, and it’s been used in traditional medicine for wound healing, constipation and coughs.



Studies show that plantago may help reduce inflammation.

Wound healing

Some research shows that plantago may support wound healing.

Digestive health

It may promote bowel regularity because it has type of fiber that is behaving as a natural laxative.

Ancient Herbal Therapy

Plantago major is called “Lesan-ol-haml” or “Barhang” in Traditional Persian Medicine (TPM). Researchers believe that Plantago has existed for nearly 4000 years, especially in Europe, America, and Asia. In addition, Plantago major grows wildly and has been used since ancient times in most parts of Iran. 

TPM scholars believe that the entire world is made up of four elements (air, water, fire, soil).

Thus, everything has an exclusive quality based on the dominant element(s) in its structure, and this exclusive quality is named temperament. Temperament reality existed in traditional medicines such as TPM, Greek, European, Arabic, Indian, and Chinese.

According to TPM, Plantago major has a cold and dry temperament and has been used to decline inflammation and bleeding, for the treatment of various diseases such as constipation, coughs, wounds, infection, fever, bleeding, and inflammation.

How to add Plantago to your diet?

Add to meal

The leafs can be eaten as a salad.

Make a Tea

The tea has earthy, yet slightly fruity taste, with deep, smooth, flavor.

As a Supplement

Available in liquid extracts, capsules, and powders.

Researchers believe that Plantago has existed for nearly 4000 years.

Young leaves can be consumed in the form of salad.

It was used in the past in Europe, America, and Asia.

Plantago major has been used in Traditional Persian Medicine (TPM).


Plantago major (P. major), commonly known as great plantain, is a widely used medicinal plant from the Plantaginaceae family. It grows as a native plant in Asia, Europe, and America, and nearly all parts of Iran. To date, 275 Plantago species have been identified worldwide. The Plantaginaceae family is variant in Iran and includes Plantago amplexicaulis, Plantago ciliata, Plantago coronopus, Plantago indica, Plantago lanceolata, Plantago major, Plantago ovata, and Plantago psyllium.


Phytochemical studies have determined the presence of various metabolites to date; furthermore, about 60 secondary metabolites have been identified from the Plantago herb including phenylethanoid glycosides, triterpenoids, polysaccharides, phenolic acids, and other compounds such as alkaloids, caffeic acid derivatives, coumarins, fats and oils, mucilage, polysaccharides, sterols, and volatile substances.

Most components in petroleum ether extract were phytol, benzofuranone, pentanediol, and benzene propanoic acid and in methanol extract, a group of diglycerol and glycol contain organic acids, such as fumaric acid, syringic acid, vanillic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid, gentisic acid, traces of salicylic acid, benzoic acid and cinnamic acid were found. In ethyl acetate extract, glycerine, benzene, and dibutyl phthalate were isolated and in n-butanol extract, there were phthalic acid, benzene propanoic acid, and groups of phenols. Finally, in aqueous extract ethnophenol, diathiapentene, napthalenone, and glycerine were found.

The genus name Plantago comes from the Greek word planta, which translates to “footprint”.

Fun Facts


Plantago major was used in wound healing and the leaves were used as a remedy of wounds. Anti-inflammatory action is via a complex event linked to tissue damage, whether by bacteria, physical trauma, chemical, heat, or any other phenomenon. Also, the inflammatory response is the critical protective reaction to these kinds of injuries noted by redness, fever, edema (swelling), and pain in the involved tissue. In an animal study, water extract of Plantago major is recommended as a suitable substitute for silver sulfadiazine, especially when applied to 50% concentration in wound burn healing. Polyphenols, especially plantamajoside are considered as the main significant compounds for wound healing.

Some types of Plantago major extract were effective in the treatment of fungal, bacterial, and viral infections. Plantago major leaves can inhibit the progression of atherosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia in animals via the lecithin/cholesterol ratio.

Side effects

Plantago major is a safe plant, but some adverse reactions such as: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, bloating, hyper-sensitivity and dermatitis may arise after treatment. Life-threatening anaphylaxis may occur in more serious cases in overdose usage.

Daily dosage is 3–5 g of the powdered herb 1–3 times daily, but the most common dose as the infusion is 150 ml (one cupful) 3–4 times a day. Plantago major is not among the most toxic of plants.

  • Najafian, Y., Hamedi, S. S., Farshchi, M. K., & Feyzabadi, Z. (2018). Plantago major in Traditional Persian Medicine and modern phytotherapy: a narrative review. Electronic physician, 10(2), 6390.

    Adom, M. B., Taher, M., Mutalabisin, M. F., Amri, M. S., Kudos, M. B. A., Sulaiman, M. W. A. W., ... & Susanti, D. (2017). Chemical constituents and medical benefits of Plantago major. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 96, 348-360.



